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We are the ones

who can create a

Compassionate World

for all beings.

How do you feel when you hear those words:  We are the ones!  Can I say to myself, can each of us say to ourselves:  I am “the one” who can create a compassionate world for all beings?  We each have our Local Community area and are members of a global community, a World Community.  I decided to research how many of us make up the current world population.  As of September 2019, according to the United Nations, the current world population is 7.7 billion individuals.  Overwhelming, but hold it, there are more beings, such as animals and the earth itself, craving to be part of a compassionate world.

From one end of the earth to the other, we are needed.  So where do I begin?  Right where I am rooted and interconnected?  What is my specific role?  Perhaps roaming the earth and offering compassion, sowing seeds of compassion?  That’s a wonderful dream!  But reality jolts me.  The needs of suffering children break my heart.  My sisters and brothers needing food, clothing and shelter overwhelm me.  Often these needs seem to be set aside.  Our focus seems to be the political trials of our nation.  Then there are the challenges that exist almost in every area of our World Community.  Whatever happens in our nation impacts the world community and whatever happens in the World Community impacts us, for We Are One.

As I reflect on all of this, my heart moves with the yearning to fill my Local Community and World Community with compassion.  I remember years ago a practice I had of standing outside in open air breathing Peace into the world believing that Peace would travel worldwide.  I hope that it did.  Today I breathe Compassion hoping it travels to the World Community.  Reality brings me from the desire to travel the earth with compassion to continue to participate in the development of a compassionate community where I am planted, and be motivated by compassion to take responsibility for the care of each other.

November 26, 2019

We are the Ones