Spiritual Guidance with Sr. Johanna Seubert

What can you expect from participating in Spiritual Guidance with me?

At first I like to get some background about you, anything you wish to share about your family, or profession, or where you’re from and so forth. Then I usually begin a session with a Presence exercise where we both can become fully present in the body and in the moment. Presence helps the body get grounded and allows what’s arising in your soul to manifest more readily. Then, as we proceed, the openness and depth of your Being can begin to awaken and manifest what is needed. As your Companion, I will listen deeply and compassionately to what is arising in you and at times, ask questions to clarify, or to help you arrive at a deeper understanding. Openness to what’s arising right now, the profound movement of the Spirit, and willingness to be with yourself and your experience can facilitate whatever is needed in your unique, individual process, as you awaken to your essential nature, come home to yourself and rest in inner peace.

What are some of the “invitations” that I might offer?

Depending upon what seems helpful from the session, and what your interests are, I might invite you to journal, do some type of breathing exercises, read an article or suggest a book, do an inquiry about a specific issue, meditate regularly or engage in some type of prayer, or relax in nature. If you are inclined to play music or enjoy art that could also be a possibility as a way to process and further your spiritual transformation. If you are here on a retreat, I would encourage you to relax and BE, rather than DO a lot of things. The quiet of the surroundings and nature can be very healing, inspirational and meditative.

Why should I engage a Spiritual Guide while on my retreat?

There are times in most people’s lives when they need an objective listener and experienced Guide, especially at times of inner pain, hurt, challenging relationships with family or at work, conflicts with loved ones, spiritual crisis, or other issues that require healing and understanding. These are opportunities that call you to go deep inside where the answers reside, and with the help and compassionate support of a Spiritual Guide, find a solution. The call of the Spirit is powerful and when you hear it you will know that it is an invitation to take the next leap in your spiritual evolution.

I am a Franciscan Sister who has been at the Christine Center for over thirty years working in various areas of Spirituality. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to participate in many kinds of spiritual opportunities from many traditions and paths. Most important in my own inner work has been the Spiritual Path called the Diamond Approach, which I have been engaged in for over twenty years. It is a Western Path, begun by A.H. Almaas, who lives in Berkeley, CA. where the headquarters are located. This approach offers a precise body of knowledge about the process of spiritual realization and points to an open-ended continuous process of discovery. I am currently a teacher of the Diamond Approach and work with many individual students for private sessions and also teach groups. This approach has enhanced my Spiritual Guidance training which I received from the Franciscan Spirituality Center in LaCrosse, WI.