Quantum Connecting: Zoom as Spiritual Practice
with Sr. Gabriele Uhlein
Experience “zoom” as an emergent spiritual deepening practice that is evolving our human capacity for non-local presence. Drawing on her background in process theology and phenomenology, the reflections of Teilhard de Chardin, and the world view of theosophy,
S. Gabe Uhlein will offer commentary and practice. The sessions are experiential and designed for mutual discovery and insight. Come explore this emerging zoom reality with us!

Let’s Connect: Saturday mornings, 10:00am – 11:30am

Saturday morning conversations are offered once a month. Sessions have no fee.
Provided as a gift to the Christine Center community of guests, helpers and friends.

Typically, presence means “showing up.” There is you, there is me, and we are present with each other. Currently, via various modalities, new dimensions of presence are emerging. There is not only the experience of me with you, but also something else – the feeling of a shared “we” space. I call it integral presencing: willing sensitivity to notice the subtle emergences in us and around us in our shared field. When we are integrally (completely and undistractedly) present, it becomes possible to sense an invisible and delicate “something” that surrounds and permeates “we”. Such a field has both esoteric and physical implications. Remarkably, an experience of “we” and of the surrounding subtle field does not depend on physical proximity. The shared non-local space of a phone call, or a zoom connection matches, and in some instances even exceeds, the experience of in-person connection. The phenomena of “we” awareness now constitutes one of the cutting edges of consciousness studies.