By Henrita Frost, SSND

Who really knows how long the problem of homelessness has existed in our global community?  It seems that for centuries countless numbers of our sisters and brothers have experienced homelessness.

During September 2015, Pope Francis visited Catholic Charities, in Washington DC; he spoke of Jesus entrance into the world as a homeless person.  Pope Francis said:  “The Son of God knew what it was to start life without a roof over his head. . . .  We can find no social or moral justification, no justification whatsoever, for lack of housing. . .

We know that Jesus wanted to show solidarity with every person.  He wanted everyone to experience his companionship, his help, his love. He identified with all those who suffer, who weep, who suffer any kind of injustice.”

How many of our sisters and brothers have experienced the heartbreaking words that Mary and Joseph heard, “there is no room for you in the Inn”.  The Christmas Manger is a powerful symbol of homelessness.  Perhaps we could keep the manger permanently visible as a symbol of Jesus’ solidarity with the homeless and our call to solidarity.

As shocking as the statistic of 564,798 homeless people are, there are tireless efforts being made in our nation to help the homeless.  We know that more and more help is needed.  It is ours to continue the call to solidarity that Jesus has bequeathed to us.