By Sister Henrita Frost, SSND

compassion earthToday I watched Pope Francis push open St Peter’s Holy Door to launch jubilee … the huge bronze Holy Door of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome to launch the “Year of Mercy“.  One does not have to travel to Rome to go through a Jubilee door as worldwide other Church doors have been designated as Jubilee Doors of Mercy.

As a pilgrims pass through the Door of Mercy, Pope Francis invites them to take on the “role of the Good Samaritan” – a compassionate person who unselfishly helps other, especially strangers.

When I remember the Jubilee Door, I immediately think of compassion.  So I hope Pope Francis doesn’t mind if I call the door – a Jubilee Door of Mercy and Compassion.

I invite each of us to imagine our heart as a Jubilee Door of Mercy and Compassion, and then have the courage to open our heart and pour forth an endless burst of mercy and compassion worldwide.

Let’s also remember that the huge bronze door of St. Peter’s is heavy, Pope Francis could not push it open by himself – others pulled it open from inside. Alone, we do not have enough mercy and compassion for all, but together we do

Let’s fill our universe in crisis with Mercy and Compassion with our thoughts, words and actions.