
By Henrita Frost, SSND

It’s about a week now since the Spiritual Deepening Group V spent a weekend with Sister Delmarie, FSPA and the Big Bang. For days now I have been reading my notes, jotting thoughts, desiring to write.  Although there are many thoughts, words don’t come.  The question that haunts is: What is it that I need to say?

On Saturday evening of our time together we journeyed the cosmic walk of 13.7 billion years. Candles were placed to mark the milestones on the journey. This walk is each of our personal and communal journeys for We Are One.

We all have come from that moment billions of years ago when there was a flaring forth of stupendous energy out of mystery – out of nothingness. We are the ones who are here now being inundated with awareness of the precarious conditions of our Universe.

We are the ones – it is our time to rise up and to care for our common home, Planet Earth – to care for Mother Earth with compassion, mercy and love.

What is there to say except that it is frightening to reflect upon the suffering of our planet and our planetary companions. You may have experienced that as you heard of the water problem in Flint, Michigan.  What is it like to worry about the glass of water you are about to drink or to have no water?

For your reflection:

Laudato Si – Praised Be To You by Pope Francis

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